纸本 设色 画芯尺寸:纵90.7cm 横60.1cm

Chant Wintersweet In Summer
Wang Hui (1632-1717) Qing Dynasty
painted on Xuan paper, Mea: 90.7×60.1cm
此图画成时王翚已是83岁高龄,然而画面丝毫看不出有衰老的迹象,线条细若游丝,劲如屈铁,笔力老练纯 熟,画风细润明快,融合了众家笔法之长。构图布景显示出画家胸有成竹,景物的配置自然写实,气度不凡, 图中老梅劲竹苍松怪石,溪水小桥亭园雅士,空中小鸟展翅,更显天际之辽阔。
王翚(公元1632年—1717年),字石谷,号天放闲人、雪笠道人、清晖主人、耕烟外史等,出身于文人世家,祖上 五世擅画。他崇拜元四家,进一步提高了艺术表现力,是清代著名山水画家,与王时敏、王鉴、王原祁合称“清四 家”,加上吴历、恽寿平又称“清六家”。曾为康熙皇帝主绘《康熙南巡图》,颇受赞誉。
Wang Hui drew this paintings at the age of eighty, but we can see nothing about the sign of decrepit, on the contrary, the line he made is fine and powerful. The view of this work is broad and the composition is quite concise. The wings bird int he sky make up of the beautiful wonderland.
Wang Hui (1632-1717), his style name is Shi Gu and the sobriquet is Tianfang Xianren. He was born to a family of painters. He quite appreciated the Four Masters of Yuan Dynasty, and through the copy to their works, he made a great progress, and became a renown landscape painter in Qing Dynasty. He was called on the Four Masters of Qing Dynasty, with Wang Shimin, Wang Jian and Wang Yuanqi. He used to paint the “South Tour of Emperor Kangxi”, and was greatly praised.

Price: $3800