绢本 设色 画芯尺寸:纵100cm 横51.5cm

Pine, Plum and Two Cranes
Shen Quan (1682-1762) Qing Dynasty
painted on silk, Mea:100×51.5cm
此画为作者晚年之作,笔触细致工整,造型生动准确,技法出自明代“院体”而又极具个人风格,笔墨工致, 敷色浓艳,注重渲染,形象逼真,富有立体感。劲健、流畅的线条,细密的局部勾画,完美的画面构图,令人 难以看出是出自年已古稀之人的手。赞叹之余,不得不佩服画家充沛的精力,严谨的创作态度及深厚的笔墨功 力,无愧于一代名师之称。
沈铨(约公元1682年—1762年),字衡之,又字齐,号南苹。沈铨师从胡湄,然青出于蓝,工画花鸟、翎毛、走兽, 以精丽见长,亦擅仕女,工秀绝伦。雍正七年(1729年)沈铨偕弟子三人应日本国王之邀东渡日本传艺作画,其绘画 风格对日本画坛影响巨大,学之者众多,形成江户时期的“花鸟写生画派”。他三年后归国,然时人仍重其艺,称之为 “舶来画家第一名”。近百年间,师法者仍不间断。沈铨在中国绘画史和日本绘画史上都占有一定的位置。
This is the work in the painter’s late age. The brushwork is fine and the appearance of the figures is vivid and precise, inheriting the Court Style of Ming Dynasty. The painter must pay much attention to the rendering to make the figures much more lifelike.
Shen Quan (1682-1762), his style name is Heng Zhi or Zi Qi, and the sobriquet is Nan Ping. He studied with Hu Mei, but painted better than his teacher. He was good at flower-and-bird and animals. In 1729, Shen Quan was invited by the kingdom of Japan and went to Japan to teach how to paint, which had great influence to the Japanese painting world and had many students in Japan.
Price: $3800